Country Life

Country life means…….

Waking up every morning to hear the birds chirping outside my open window.
Swinging on our homemade swing under the oak tree on the hill.
Feeding the chickens.
Weeding the garden.
Taking a bike ride up the street to the avocado orchard with my dog.
Running into a rattlesnake every once and awhile.
Watching the sun set behind the plateau.
Helping dad build things.
Collecting birds nests.
Tilling the front pasture when dad lets me ride the tractor.
Picking little cherries from our tree.
Playing with my goats.
Getting dirty while working outside.
Falling asleep to the lullaby of coyotes howling to the moon.
Enjoying God's creation.

Yes, to me, it's quite wonderful being so close to God’s spectacular creation.

"I suppose the pleasure of country life lies really in the eternally renewed evidences of the determination to live."
~Vita Sackville-West